Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I want to talk about 'love'. What does it mean for you? Love is a word that has millions of different definitions because there are millions of people alive and in love on this planet. It's a word that everyone interprets differently. To you it could mean that you are someones queen to the person sitting next to you on the train it could mean that they married the richest man in Boston. "Love" is something that we all go crazy about. It's something that comes to unexpectedly but is always welcomed. There is nothing better in this world than to be loved by another human being. Weither it be your parents or the man/woman laying next to you in bed right now. It's nice knowing that you have someone to come home to that is going to love you for you. Isn't that what we all seek? That companionship? Someone to share all our life experiences with? How do you know you've found the right person? After all don't we look at all relationships that we have as the last one? And after you've had your heart ripped out and you swear to all your friends that you'll never 'love' again, what makes us 'love' again? Why do we continue to put ourselves through it?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Mobile World

So I've been working as a mobile retailer for a while now and I've learned a lot and I've even taught a lot. Making decisions when it comes to things like this is actually pretty hard if you don't go to the right place or talk to the right person. Most people that make commission are only interested in making the biggest sales so they can maximize their profits. When I make a sale to someone I don't pay any attention to how much I am going to make off of the sale. If they want to go with a prepaid phone I will make sure that they are informed about their decision and let them know that contracts aren't as scary as they seem but if that's what they want then that's what I give them. I think that when you are selling something to someone it is important to make sure that they are getting what is right for their individual needs. In the long run you gain the confidence of the buyer and they will keep coming back to you and they will even send their friends and family to you because they trust that you aren't going to bullshit them. I feel that if more sales associates felt the same way people wouldn't be so afraid to ask us for help or to even come into the store to buy something. I realize that I haven't been in the sales game for that long but I'm still learning and these are my observations so far. I am always up for some more advice!


After being with the same guy for two years we finally called it quits. Things ended up getting really bad towards the end and I didn't trust him anyways so I thought it best to just leave it at that and get out. What I didn't see coming was the fact that in the middle of the night a couple nights later he was going to pack up and move out taking my rent money with him. I don't understand why! So here I am about a month later's been hard for me to get over this breakup even with everything that has happened because I mean it was two years of my life and that's the person that I did everything with. In the back of your head you sometimes wonder to yourself if you made the right decision and other times you tell yourself well if you would have just put up with it you wouldn't be happy today. It takes time to get other things and maybe I'm just trying rush it when I should just take it one step at a time. Just relax...let things play out.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Are You My Mommy?

   The only parents that I seem to have now are my fiances parents. After informing my parents that I would be moving to MA to finish my and my fiances education they didn't want anything to do with me. I've tried getting into contact with them and even my 10 year old brother and none of them will talk to me. The only communication that we've had in the past two months was a couple texts about putting money into the bank to pay for my last months bills and such. I even went home to visit with them before and my mom wasn't home and my dad didn't want anything to do with me. Our conversation was short and was started with this line "You almost got shot". Now my parents and I have never had the best relationship but since I had moved out and gone to school in Orlando things had gotten a lot better. We didn't fight all the time and I had time to let the lessons that my parents had taught me set in. I respect my parents and everything they have done for me. They've taught me a lot about responsibility and have always looked out for my best interests. I miss my parents a lot and they aren't making this move any easier on me. I just wish that they would get over this being mad thing soon because being mad at me isn't going to make things any easier on anyone. I miss you guys a lot and I hope that you remember my in time for my birthday on Sunday. I'd love to hear from you guys. 

The picture below is a picture of my parents and my little brother all doing something that we love to do. (Please excuse what looks like and what probably is a dirt mustache I was enjoying myself)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Don't Get a Roommate.

I'm literally writing this post in an attempt to save a lot of people time, a headache, and friendships. I've had 4 different sets of roommates and they all ended up the same, disaster.

Roommate #1
(We will name her Kelsey) Kelsey was a girl that I went to school with and we became goot friends in high school and ended up moving in together in a condo that my dad bought for me to live in while I went to school in Orlando. Everything was fine and dandy for the first couple of weeks. After a while she got depressed about how her girlfriend was in the army and she couldn't see her all the time like she used to be able to and she got all weird. She would invite people over and tell them that they could stay for as long as they wanted and they could use our washer and dryer. I confronted her and told her that this was not alright with me and she freaked out and started moving out that day. 

Roommate #2
(Let's name this couple Billy and Betty) The two of them moved in about 5 months later and ended up only staying for about 2 months. They were really cool in the beginning we hung out a little bit. Billy was a little dense but it was tolerable. Well my fiance has a health condition where being around any type of smoke actually makes him sicker and we told them that and we came home multiple times to them smoking weed in our house. We confronted them and told them to stop multiple times and they never did they just waited till we left and opened the windows to smoke. They ruined all of our dishes, broke doors, broke the washer, ruined the tile, ruined the walls, trashed the bathroom, and tore up our garden. We asked them to leave and did, thankfully.

Roommate #3 
(Freddy) This guy was from Jersey. He was probably the best one we had ever had. He told us that he was going to help out and do all these things with us. Everything was great till my fiance went to Boston to visit family. When my boyfriend left he told Freddy that he would leave the keys to his car and he could come pick him up if I had to be at school that day. Well one night we went to Walmart with two of my friends Chelsea and Dom. Dom asked who was picking up Chris and Freddy jumped in and said "I am" I looked at Freddy and told him that I wasn't comfortable with him driving Chris's car because it had a mechanical problem and I wasn't sure that he would know how to handle it if it messed up. Chelsea then said that she would pick him up because she didn't have to be in school that day (and I didn't have school at the time his plane landed either). Later that night I get a call from my fiance saying that Freddy called him and complained about me for 30 minutes on the phone about how I told him that I told him he wasn't allowed to pick Chris up and how we were going to leave him at the airport. I laughed it off and figured he was just being a little baby. Well I was right...he never talked to me again. When Chris got back he would invite Chris out and leave me out and tell Chris all these lies about how I was mean to him and all this crap. The one thing he forgot about was the fact that I was never alone when I went out with him and all my friends had the same story as me. Well Chris and I had to make a trip to Boston a couple weeks after he got back and we asked him to walk, feed, and play with our rottweilier puppy for a couple day and he agreed. Well when we got back the house smelled like crap our puppy was soaked in pee and there was broken glass in the kitchen. He hadn't even been there other than to party and walk our puppy two times a day after we explained to him that she would need to be walked more than just twice because she's only 11 weeks old and can't hold her bladder that long. Anyways, one day before August started he told us some long sob story about how he wouldn't be able to afford next months rent and had to leave. He was out that night while Chris and I were asleep.

Ohhhh Roommate #4
(Julie will be her name) This girl was awesome! She signed a sublease with me for a month to month lease that said that there would be a $700 deposit and $700 plue electric would be paid to me on the 1st. She was alright till we moved. Sadly we weren't able to get all of the furniture out of the condo before we had to move and we had to leave a couch, 2 chairs, 2 lamps, a bookcase, and a dresser in the condo because we couldn't get anyone to come and pick them up. Well she harassed me about them and told me she was going to sue me! I told her that everything was posted on Craigslist and I was really sorry but not everything got picked up but that I would keep sending people her way after I moved to pick up the furniture. We then informed her that the internet guy would be coming out to disconnect the internet that was in our name (and we later found out that she told them that they had the wrong address so that she could keep the internet for free because it was under out name). She's been trying to sue me over things of this nature and it's been getting ridiculous. She talks about how she doesn't have any money to pay for the rent and such but if you look at her Facebook she's going out drinking and such, no wonder you don't have any money! She's been there for under a month and she's already broken the AC and she's complaining to me about how I need to call the guy who put it in when I told her that you're responsible for all repairs this isn't like an apartment complex where we have maintenance this is a privately owned condo complex.

Seriously all I can say to those people that have roommates is "GOOD LUCK!" It just isn't worth it in the end. I don't have any cups, plates, or silverware any more. Everything gets stolen or ruined.  

It's Not Fair!?

  Sometimes I don't understand why people get so unhappy when things don't go their's life and life isn't fair. It's that what we are all taught from a young age? What gets me are the kids that talk about how bad their life is but yet they are the kids in high school that got everything that they always wanted but their life sucks because their parents wouldn't let them go to the coolest party of the year. I think that priorities these days are just not in the right order. A couple days ago I saw a girl I graduated with complaining about how she asked for a Cadillac CTS and all she got was a Cadillac STS and how upset she was. I just want to shoot people like that, literally. Money and stupidity breed idiots. PERIOD.

Friday, September 28, 2012


   So I moved into my new apartment, which is gorgeous, about two or three weeks ago and the elephants upstairs have been getting worse. They aren't home all day but I believe they get home around 7pm or 8pm and they don't walk lightly. I seriously feel like they are going to come through the ceiling. I really hope that they find their damn watering hole soon!
  My other bone to pick with them is the fact that they constantly yell at their poor child. They don't speak english and I believe they are Arabian. They insist on yelling at the young boy mostly between the hours of 8pm-2am. He ends up crying for hours! Oh and the worst part? Their windows are open so you best believe that I can hear everything I just can't understand it.
   I'm thinking about writing them a letter and slipping it under their door. I'm not sure about it thought, I'm not really good at being nice so I'm pretty sure that my letter will come off a little too strong. Here is what I think the letter would sound like:

Dear unit 424,

  I'm writing you this letter to inform you of how loud you are. At night when you walk around I feel like I have elephants living above me because the footsteps are so heavy and you always insist on walking heavy late at night. I didn't know that this apartment complex allowed zoo animals. With that being said, please find your watering hole soon because I can't stand the constant stampeding upstairs. If it's a matter of money I don't mind helping you raise money for a small watering hole.
  Also, I get that children need to be disciplined but letting the child have 30 minutes of free time without you yelling at him would be not only great for him but for the rest of your neighbors. The next time that you plan on yelling at your child make sure that all your windows are closed and that it isn't 1am because the rest of us not only have jobs but don't want to hear about your child going through your room to find a pencil.

Your neighbors

p.s. If you feel that you have wrongly received this letter then please slip it under the door of the couple that insists on screaming at their young child late at night and have elephant tendencies.